In-vivo Toxicological (Acute) Characterization of Bio-synthesized Silver Nanoparticles in Labeo rohita

Jayaraju Jeyasree, Giridharan Bupesh, Sakthivel Vasanth, Joseph Pinto Jasmine Beulah, Kanniayah Pandian, Arumugam Vijaya Anand, Tharumasivam Shiva Vijayakumar, Lakshmi Narayanan



This study extensively investigated to find out the in-vivo acute toxicity and lethal concentration (LC50) of biosynthesized Ag NPs in Labeo rohita (L. rohita). The haematological studies and antioxidative responses were considered in three tissues such as gill, liver and muscle of L. rohita. The results of this study showed that increasing the dose of Ag NPs led to bioaccumulation in the tissues. The haematological analysis showed considerable alterations in the Ag NPs-treated fish. The impact of histological changes induced by Ag NPs were confirmed by the damages in the tissues, primary lamella, blood vessels and formation of vacuolation in liver and muscle when compared with the control L. rohita. 


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Nano Biomedicine and Engineering.

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