Author Guidelines
Highest priority will be given to the communications reporting important new scientific and technological findings. Rapid publication is provided for concise and up-to-date reports. These articles should not exceed three-four published pages. No section headings should be used for these short communications.
Full length papers that report original research work on new ideas in the fields of biomedical nanotechnology.
The state-of-the-art review articles with author's short biography and photo will be published. Reviews are limited to a maximum length of 30 journal pages. It is author's responsibility to obtain written copyright permissions to reproduce any copyright materials from other sources. Authors are advised to cite proper references in figure/tables captions of all previously published figures/tables/illustrations including their own published work and obtain copyright permissions from appropriate publishers and authors.
Order of the Text
Papers should be written in the below order:
Title – Author(s) (full names instead of are required) - Author affiliations - Corresponding author e-mail address(es) – Abstract – Keywords – Introduction – Experimental - Results and discussion – Conclusions – Acknowledgments – Conflict of interests – References – Supplementary information (if necessary)
Please insert pictures and tables in text.
Introductory material
The first page of the manuscript should have a concise title limited to about 15 words and the names of all authors, complete mailing address for correspondence, telephone, fax numbers and email address. Please indicate with an asterisk (*) the author to whom correspondence regarding the manuscript should be directed. Each name should be linked to an address by means of references 1, 2, ...
All manuscripts must contain an informative 500 words abstract explaining the essential contents of the work, key ideas and results.
A list of 5-10 "keywords" should be included with the abstract.
It is very important to supply high quality figures in a form suitable for reproduction. Each figure must be referred to in the text and will be printed in black and white unless otherwise instructed by the authors. All formulae and figures should be carefully drafted and never drawn freehand. Use same font and size for all figure legends. High quality original figures and glossy prints of all photographs are required. Photocopies of the figures and photographs are not acceptable. The total number of figures should be no more than 8. The resolution of figures should be at least 600dpi. Numbers of x- and y-axis must write large enough, because published figures are only 1/8 page.
Free Color Printing
Color illustrations are most welcome by the journal as they are effective in conveying complex graphs and photographs. Free color printing at the Editor-in-Chief's discretion, will provide an opportunity to publish color figures/illustrations in print at NO COST to the authors.
Each table must be referred to in the text. Each table should be typed double-spaced on a separate sheet and identified sequentially by Arabic numerals corresponding to the order in which they appear in the text. Each table should have a brief explanatory title, which should be labeled unambiguously. The position of each table should be clearly marked in the text.
Internationally accepted units of measurement must be used. The units of measurement are used in conjunction with their numerical values; the units should be abbreviated as suggested below. If more commonly used units are adopted, conversion factors should be given at their first occurrence. Greek symbols may be used. (e.g. 25.8 JK-1 mol-1).
No abbreviations are allowed in the title and abstract and should be defined the first time they are used within the text.
All abbreviations used in tables and figures should be defined in the table note or figure caption, respectively.
References should be in the proper format on a separate page, numbered in the sequence (1,2,3,4,5, ..) in which they occur in the text. Cite the references in the text as Arabic numbers in one consecutive series by the order of appearance in the text, with the text citations presented as unparenthesized superscripts. Include the title of the article in the cited reference. write only 3 authors with et al. References should be listed in the following style:
Authors, Title. Journal, year, volume(issue): pages.
J.A. Kopechek, E. Park, C.S. Mei, et al., Accumulation of phase-shift nanoemulsions to enhance MR-guided ultrasound-mediated tumor ablation in vivo. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2013, 4: 109-126.
Authors or editors, (Chapter tilte.) Book title. Publisher, year: pages.
H.S. Nalwa, Handbook of nanostructured biomaterials and their applications in nanobiotechnology. American Scientific Publishers, 2005: 35-46.
D.J. Kirwan, C.J. Orella, Crystallization in the pharmaceutical and bioprocessing industries. Handbook of industrial crystallization (second edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002: 249-266.
These should be brief and placed at the end of the text before the references.
Conflict of Interests
Competing interests that might interfere with the objective presentation of the research findings contained in the manuscript should be declared in a paragraph after Acknowledgment section and before References. If there is no competing interest, please use the statement for example, "The authors declare that no competing interest exists".
Page proofs for the correction of printer's errors only will be dispatched to the corresponding author denoted with an asterik (*) unless otherwise requested. Alterations at this stage are not allowed as they are expensive and may have to be charged to the authors. The proofread copy and reprint order form must be returned within 72 hours.
TOC (Table of Content) Figure
Auhors should provide a TOC (table of content) figure to be published alongside the published article on the home page. The size of the TOC figure shoud be 310px (width) * 170px (height).